SAMSUNG Smartwatch

A new generation of Watches.

249,00 €
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excl. 5,99 € shipping

The Gear S3 has the aesthetics of a truly premium watch with advanced features built right into the watch design. That's why it's so easy and effortless to use the Gear S3. It's also built for you to go days without needing your phone or to recharge. You get to feel free with the Gear S3.

The Gear S3 looks and feels natural on your wrist and when you use it. Like a traditional watch.

The Gear S3 sets you free from your phone in the most natural way. You only have to turn the bezel to respond to calls, to read messages, to go to that app you need.

Make calls freely: You don't need your phone with you. The Gear S3 has a built-in speaker that lets you make or take calls right away on the device.

Go for a run, a round of golf, go exploring on your bike. Gear S3 has a built-in GPS that gives you the freedom to explore and to stay on track even without your phone. And with its long-lasting battery, you only need to set it down for a charge every few days.

Go days without charging: It's truly liberating to have a battery that lasts long enough for you to go on a trip without a charger.

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